
Radiac Chooses MaintiMizer over SAP

Radiac is a leading manufacturer of conventional bonded and superabrasives in North America. For more than 100 years, Radiac has delivered technology and quality in both product and service to the industry. As a leading full line producer of grinding wheels, Radiac offers more than 50,000 precision-built products of high quality, performance, and repeatability for virtually every conceivable manufacturing application. Radiac’s industry team approach combines both sales and engineering expertise to determine the most cost-effective and expedient solution for your grinding needs.

It’s important not to overlook the maintenance department’s needs. If you think about your company as a whole, it starts and stops with proper maintenance. The maintenance department is responsible for keeping each critical asset running properly so your production doesn’t waver. That’s exactly what Radiac–Oswego’s Corporate told the maintenance department when they announced they were moving to SAP’s enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. They promised SAP was building a maintenance module for them while they were currently on a legacy version of MaintiMizer’ s computerized maintenance management system (CMMS).

Hoping to upgrade to the latest MaintiMizer, the system they knew and loved, the maintenance department were told to wait patiently for an amazing new SAP system rather than upgrade to a newer version of MaintiMizer.

However, when it comes to adding on modules for other parts of the company, SAP tends to lack what departments, especially maintenance departments, need to do their jobs well. SAP can’t even hold a candle to a basic CMMS, let alone a workhorse like MaintiMizer.

In addition, this process took well over a year before the newly installed maintenance manager told Corporate the department immediately needed to upgrade their MaintiMizer system or get SAP. Corporate finally agreed to give the maintenance department the latest MaintiMizer 5.0 as well as send one of their leads to a MaintiMizer in-house training seminar.

This is something we often hear from our customers when corporate tries to move them away from MaintiMizer to SAP or another ERP. We’ve had more than a few customers come back within months or never receive their new maintenance software from these companies. At Ashcom, we know that can be frustrating. We also know that corporate needs an easier way to keep track of all their departments, which is exactly why we long ago built MaintiMizer to integrate with SAP and many other ERPs. We are excited to continue working with Radiac, and we will strive to maintain our relationship over the coming years.